January 6th More Than A Year On

January 6th More Than A Year On

Even the FBI, in whose apparent interests it was not to debunk an “insurrection” narrative… debunked the insurrection narrative.


They knew that maintaining the illusion represented a serious long-term threat to their credibility.


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What TIME Magazine <b><i>Really</i></b> Said…

What TIME Magazine Really Said…

Does anyone honestly think that the Left looked at 2020 and said to themselves and each other, “Well! That worked out well. Now we can disband and go back to our daily lives, not interfering in our country’s elections”?


Nope. No, they didn’t.


Here’s what they really said: “Well! That worked out well. Now, what’re the next steps to be sure that the Democrats win the 2022 election, regardless of whether the Democrats win the election of 2022 or not?”


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The Contrarian Argument

The Contrarian Argument

I’m going to say this very gently and in good faith. And I mean it in no hostile way at all. In other words, I believe that the idea that “Trump is evil and must go” is entirely defensible. And I believe it’s wrong. Or at least not a slam dunk, by any means.


The 2020 election was stolen, and it was stolen by a multi-pronged effort that still managed to defeat Trump only by a whisker.


Ignore the reports of disappearing ballots and magically appearing ballots.


The other reports (inside) are indisputably true…


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Needed: A Socialism/Leftism “Vaccine!”

Needed: A Socialism/Leftism “Vaccine!”

Far more than a COVID vaccine, America desperately needs a “vaccine” against Leftism and Socialism (basically the same thing). Because they’re FAR deadlier than COVID!


The depredations of Socialism are KNOWN! Just not NEARLY as well-known as those of Hitler and his thugs. So, the atrocities of the Left, though far more numerous, and over a far longer time, haven’t made their way into the deep recesses of all Americans’ psyches as have those of the Nazis.


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Dark Horse… A Good Start?

Dark Horse… A Good Start?

Conservative thinking is challenged, derided, sneered at, condemned… from the moment it appears. When WE do our thinking and our formulations of potential solutions, WE have to PRE-consider the inevitable tsunami of accusations of Racism! Sexism! This-o-phobia! That-o-phobia! You hate children! You hate women! Etc., etc., etc…


When the Left proposes something, they think that the proposal is perfect and complete from the moment of its birth! It requires no further adjustments or tweaking or re-thinking… because all the loud voices in the media and academia and Hollywood and pop culture tell them so.


Bottom line: OUR thinking is stronger, more flexible, more commonsensical, more logical… more tested. If we COMPETE in the war of ideas, we will WIN the war of ideas.


Continue reading Dark Horse… A Good Start?

How the Tara Reade Sexual Assault Accusation Against Biden is a HUGE GIFT to… the Democrats

In response to Tara Reade, Democrats could do two things they desperately want to do, by simply loudly and ostentatiously getting behind the Tara Reade allegations of sexual assault:


#1: They could — risk free and cost-free! remake the shattered illusion of their being the party concerned with women’s lives and well-being, and…

#2: Get rid of the Biden albatross. (Joebatross?)


Remember: the Democrats are betting everything on the hope that their deepest-held belief — that Democrats voters are idiots — is true.


So, back to the main point: the Democrats made the rules of this vile game, with en eye to short-term political gains (the defeat of people like Clarence Thomas, Trump and Brett Kavanaugh, among others), completely ignoring the potential down-the-road implications of setting up a game with rules they knew they couldn’t follow.


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The Democrats and the Media are KILLING People(*)

A half-witted wanker — not so young or fresh-faced — was for a while the leading candidate — the odds-on favorite! — to head the Democrat Party in the upcoming Presidential election!


Nor is it insignificant that the Democrats recognized the problems with the half-witted wanker, and have firmly and resoundingly stated that a mumbling, incoherent geriatric sliding into dementia, is their real guy.


   “Heh heh. We were just kidding about the raving, dopey, fatuous, loony-eyed, boneheaded, Socialist tosser. We really meant the senile, rambling, incoherent, delusional, old dork! You know, the one who couldn’t find Florida on a map of… Florida.


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Here Are The Institutions That Have Failed(1) Miserably in This Crisis

Here Are The Institutions That Have Failed(1) Miserably in This Crisis

Did anyone really doubt that in the case of such a crisis, left-wing people and institutions would fail miserably? Thinking back, how would a hypothetical President Hillary Clinton have handled any of this differently? How would the press have covered her efforts?


Well, the crisis arrived, and — surprise, surprise! — all the left-wing people and institutions — around the world! — failed miserably.


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If This Crisis Hadn’t Happened…

If This Crisis Hadn’t Happened…

Here’s the important point: Absent something like this horrendous coronavirus crisis, Trump was going to cruise to re-election, and the Democrat Party was staring in the face of the destruction of their agenda for the next 50 years.


If there’d been no coronavirus event, the Democrats would have had to come up with one.


It’s absolutely certain that the Democrats are crossing their fingers that this is the thing that will bring Trump down.


It’s also absolutely certain that the Democrats will try to make this the thing that brings Trump down. They had no chance of it without this crisis… and they knew it.


Continue reading If This Crisis Hadn’t Happened…

The Trap Biden Fell Into… Will Anyone Else Catch it?

The Left makes no sense, and if you’re paying attention, you can spring the traps they always set for themselves. You have to understand this, though, and you have to be ready for it, and watching for it, and… you have to spring the trap.


Here’s what Biden said (roughly): “If I’m nominated to run against President Trump, then I’ll pick a woman as my running mate.” Did you see it?


The obvious next question is: “Mr. Vice-President, would you select someone who was born a man, but who now ‘identifies’ as a woman?




There’s no right answer to that one, and that’s the very kind of trap that the Democrats always set for themselves… if, that is, you’re paying attention.


Continue reading The Trap Biden Fell Into… Will Anyone Else Catch it?

Have Top Democrats Actually Gone Mad? (Part III) (philosophy edition cont.)

• We’re (the political Right) not scapegoating anyone.

• We’re not suppressing their speech.

• We’re not shouting down leftists on college campuses.

• We’re not calling them horrible names.

• We’re not blaming them for every problem ever experienced in America

• We’re not excluding their web pages from search engine results.

• We’re not deplatforming them.

• We’re not censoring anyone.

• We’ve never unleashed the IRS against tens of millions of leftist and leftish people and organizations.


All signs of an actual trajectory toward Fascism come from the American Left today.


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Have Top Democrats Actually Gone Mad? (Part II) (philosophy edition)

By posing the question at the top of this page, we pretty much answered it by implication. Yes, the Democrat Party has actually gone mad. This particular essay is a “We Can Prove It” kind of essay. The “Why” essay is one we’ve written many times before in these pages, and it can all be summed up very concisely: Their primary goal is to obtain and retain power.


Here’s an exploration of the evidence that the American Democrat Party has actually gone mad.


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Let’s Not Forget: Joe Biden is a TRULY Bad Person

Where does the Democrat Party find these despicable creeps? And why don’t they leave them under those rocks? Maybe a better question is: why do the vicious degenerates and goons always find their way into the Democrat Party?


The answer to that is pretty easy: the well-known Democrat Party agenda is a putrescent witch’s brew of initiatives, programs and policy prescriptions all designed to concentrate power and wealth in the hands of a tiny, deeply corrupt élite at the top of the central government. You can join the Democrat Party as a starry-eyed idealist, but you can’t stay in it without progressively surrendering your basic human decency. To get to the very tippety-top of the Democrat Party you have to surrender your humanity entirely. 


Continue reading Let’s Not Forget: Joe Biden is a TRULY Bad Person

Don’t Get Me Wrong: I Hope the Democrat Party Leadership DOES Stick the (metaphorical) Shiv Into the Sanders Campaign (again)!

There are plenty of Democrat Party bigwigs who wish that Sanders would just… die. They were holding their breath, when Sanders had his recent heart attack, hoping against hope that he’d just… expire. When Sanders didn’t croak, you could hear the disappointment a thousand miles away.


Do not be surprised if Sanders all of a sudden, just, you know, has, well,  another, you know “heart attack,” that, this time, proves fatal. After which, again don’t be surprised, Sanders’ body is quickly cremated before there’s a chance for an autopsy. They’ll claim that it was the hard-core atheist Sanders’ “devotion to his Jewish faith” that required the, ummm… “expeditious” cremation. You read it here first! (By making this public here first, did we just save Bernie Sanders’ life?!? Not out of the question!)


Continue reading Don’t Get Me Wrong: I Hope the Democrat Party Leadership DOES Stick the (metaphorical) Shiv Into the Sanders Campaign (again)!

Russia’s Helping the Sanders Campaign, and We Have Some Thoughts

Bernie Sanders, the senile old Bolshie-loving, half-witted crackpot… is the leading contender for the Democrat Party’s nomination to run for President in 2020. I defy you to show me anything else that is more emblematic of that party’s final descent into decrepitude and madness. A descent that started, by the way, long, long ago, when it was the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Eugenics, segregation and more. Now it’s the party of death at both ends of life, of anti-semitism, of terrorism, of Socialism, of corruption, of senile leadership, of censorship, shout-downs, street thugs, goons and fascists, of grifting, mooching, and decadence, of worse than intellectual laziness: intellectual slovenliness.


About those failings — slavery, Jim Crow, Eugenics, love for Socialism-Fascism-Naziism, segregation and more — they’re symptoms of disease and degradation. For any party to survive, it must expel these things. If you study history, you see that the Democrat Party has never renounced those aspects of its past, as the Republicans did. Remember, the Republicans publicly renounced the John Birch Society, Richard Nixon, and nearly every one of its elected officials who ever might have shown even the remotest possibility that he was tainted by anything. (cf, eg: Trent Lott, et al) A body riddled with these intellectual and social diseases cannot survive forever. The only way the Democrats have survived this far is by denying these important parts of their past were ever in their past, and then by projecting them, with the assistance of a sheeplike media corps, onto Republicans, who had always opposed them. The problem for the Democrats is that the rot was still in them, and it ate out any substantive core for the Dems to fall back on, any solid foundation of ideas or beliefs, any core tenets from which to construct intelligent, rational platforms and campaigns. They have nothing left but the litany you’ve all heard by now: Racist! Sexist! Homophobe! Transphobe! Islamophobe! You hate women! You hate minorities! You hate children! (says the party of abortion), You’re all meanies! All that meaningless, substanceless codswallop left an open field for idiots like Bernie Sanders.


The Dems are saying: We’ll see your eccentric, unpredictable wildcard,  and raise you one psychotic, unhinged, bolshie-loving nutjob… Your move!


The larboard trajectory of the American Democrat Party is already set in place. That happened long ago. The party is like a ballistic missile pointed hard-left, and the colonel, long ago (in 1972? in 1916?) hollered, “Fire!”


Continue reading Russia’s Helping the Sanders Campaign, and We Have Some Thoughts

Sanders Wins Nevada

Don’t forget, this is the same party that nominated the addled, half-witted Bolshevik sympathizer, Henry Wallace to run for the Vice-Presidency under… Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Roosevelt and Wallace won the election of 1940, and Wallace was a heartbeat away from the Presidency itself. Wallace was a Soviet spy


Roosevelt’s closest adviser for a very long time was his Commerce Secretary, Harry Hopkins. Hopkins was a Soviet spy.


Why should anyone be surprised that the Democrat Party would embrace a batsh*t crazy half-witted, communist sympathizer like Bernie Sanders?


Continue reading Sanders Wins Nevada

Bullet Points

Biden’s toast — It looks like Bloomberg — Sanders is leading — Pete Buttigieg is Alfred E. Newman — Elizabeth Warren is the mediocrity she appears to be — Sanders’ problem is that everyone pulls their punches with him, because no one wants to be seen as picking on the crazy person — Because of Democrats’ forbearance toward Bernie Sanders, you have half-wits in Congress like AOC et al. — AOC et al. not as smart as a tardigrade! — The Iowa Caucuses! — An idiot doesn’t know he’s an idiot; because he’s an idiot — AOC is an idiot — Idiots can be evil too.


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Was Romney Actually Working for Trump?

When Mitt Romney announced that he was going to vote guilty, he provided all the cover any wavering Dems needed in order to be, well… Dems. Now, they can pretend that the impeachment voting was “bipartisan.”


However, the once wavering Dems now have to face their voters. And there’s a very good possibility that Doug Jones of Alabama just signed his own political death warrant.


Continue reading Was Romney Actually Working for Trump?

Wow! Stay Tuned!

Here’s a summary of the entire impeachment fraud: A whole mess of Democrats, with matches in one hand and gallon cans of gasoline in the other, are all standing in front of the burning house shouting, “Trump lit that fire!” And the media, bless their corrupt, little IQ-deprived souls, are nodding sagely to each other, intoning, “Yep. Must’ve been Trump who lit that fire!”


Continue reading Wow! Stay Tuned!

The Impeachment Articles…

The Democrats propose to impeach President Trump on the basis of [1] a poorly-formed, amorphous opinion and [2] a nonsense term that contains a left-handed acknowledgement that he was… doing his job.


And why?


If Trump is re-elected, the Left faces the loss of the senile Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as well as that doddering, reliably left-wing old fool, Stephen Breyer. The Democrats face the very bleak possibility of a series of sensible, intelligent Supreme Court decisions for as far as their dim eyes and brains can see.

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Pithy Passages From Our Pages (Part XII)

The Democrat Party never gets rid of its idiots. Like buboes, they sit and sit and sit, growing, festering, filling with political putrefaction, getting more and more inflated. Electoral humiliations never bother these carbuncles. The Democrat party requires a good electoral lancing, and the captive groups composing their “base” never deliver it. Hence you have what you have today in the Democrat Party: Pathetic, old ’60’s hippie throwbacks, their glory days 40 years in the past, leading dynamic, energetic, brainless, uneducated, mediagenic half-wits; the prissy oldsters trying less and less successfully to keep the spoiled, snot-nosed brats from running amok in the classroom.


Continue reading Pithy Passages From Our Pages (Part XII)

The Great Charade

The Great Charade

Trump has a massive “trump” card in his pocket: The economy has absorbed the “trade war” between the United States and China, with few ill effects. If Trump and China were to strike a deal, the stock market would rise 5,000 to 7,000 points nearly overnight, fattening the retirement and bank accounts of tens of millions of Americans. Trump II would be unstoppable, and the Dems know it.


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