January 6th More Than A Year On

January 6th More Than A Year On

Even the FBI, in whose apparent interests it was not to debunk an “insurrection” narrative… debunked the insurrection narrative.


They knew that maintaining the illusion represented a serious long-term threat to their credibility.


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Can We All Take a Brief Moment to Take Stock…

Can We All Take a Brief Moment to Take Stock…

It goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and… well, you get the point.


Whoopi Goldberg is only one in a long, long, long list of many. For example: practically the entire employee base of CNN. Certainly the entire management group of CNN!


Can there be any doubt that the management group of MSNBC is also composed of a bunch of perverts, abusers, harassers, gropers, rapists, fondlers, and deviants?


The same would be true for NPR, CBS, ABC, NBC and so on.


Certainly it’s true of the muckety-mucks of Hollywood, academia, and Social Media!


Continue reading Can We All Take a Brief Moment to Take Stock…

The Science!

The Science!

Finally, if the Canadian Truckers prevail, it’ll mean that the movement was far, far more powerful, far deeper, far more consequential than a vast reactionary confederacy of government thugs, thieves, liars, mountebanks, all controlling the police, the military and the communications of the nations, ever realized. And far too powerful for this gang of goons and gangsters to overcome, even with the entire arsenal of grotesque tools at their disposal.


Continue reading The Science!

If The Canadian Truckers Prevail, It’ll Be Despite:

If The Canadian Truckers Prevail, It’ll Be Despite:

Finally, if the Canadian Truckers prevail, it’ll mean that the movement was far, far more powerful, far deeper, far more consequential than a vast reactionary confederacy of government thugs, thieves, liars, mountebanks, all controlling the police, the military and the communications of the nations, ever realized. And far too powerful for this gang of goons and gangsters to overcome, even with the entire arsenal of grotesque tools at their disposal.


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I’m Amazed At The Extent To Which…

I’m Amazed At The Extent To Which…

Look at debates on anything related to economics. How soon into the debate does the Left side bring up racism? Sexism? Misogyny? Homophobia? Islamophobia? Yadda yadda yadda? And all the rest?


Look at debates on, say, education. Same question: How soon after the beginning does the Left side of the debate signal that they’re going to pollute the discussion with irrelevant and scurrilous attacks on the motives of the people on the political Right side of the debate?


Continue reading I’m Amazed At The Extent To Which…

Are We on the Right Going About it all Wrong?

Are We on the Right Going About it all Wrong?

As regards the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy, what if the government were simply to say, “Sorry, no.” There’d be no threat of violence; no threat of property damage; no threat of anything all that inconveniencing at all afterward.


And everyone knows that the truckers have to get back to work some day soon. After all, they’re not like BLM or Antifa protesters, who live in Mom’s basement and mooch off the society against which they protest. Why wouldn’t the government just say… no?


So, again, are we on the Right going about this all wrong?


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The Left Hasn’t Produced a Good Idea in a VERY Long time!

The Left Hasn’t Produced a Good Idea in a VERY Long time!

The Left’s main philosophical thrust for many generations has been: increase the size, scope, reach and power of the central government. Or: the same awful, reactionary, top-down, people-crushing style of governance in place around the world nearly forever… until, that is, America came along and showed everyone a far, far better way.


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Commonsense Observations About the Vaccines

Commonsense Observations About the Vaccines

We don’t tell kids not to play in the yard, even though there’s a non-zero risk of their being struck by a meteor, do we?


One quick remark: If the relative risk between the unvaccinated and vaccinated status is unknown, then vaccinating healthy young children can only be seen as medical experimentation. It’s morally repugnant to perform medical experiments on young children.


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I Had To Laugh…

I Had To Laugh…

The media knew that they needed only to repeat that mantra over and over and over and over again, and that would do it. The narrative, like a well-placed hook in a trout’s lip, would be sufficiently set in place… regardless of the actual results of the election.


Oh, you’re the trout.


Continue reading I Had To Laugh…

Say it! <i>Frequently. Loudly. Relentlessly.</i>

Say it! Frequently. Loudly. Relentlessly.

These accusers are out of intellectual gas, and have been so for a very long time. Otherwise, there’s another simple truth: If they had compelling, persuasive, intelligent arguments to deploy, they’d… deploy them.


The truth is simple: The accusers have as much evidence that you’re a racist as you have that they’re child molesters. Therefore, if they call you a racist, then it’s okay to call them child molesters. Say the truth. Tell the truth. Frequently. Loudly. Relentlessly. The truth shall set us all — even the morons and idiots — free.


Continue reading Say it! Frequently. Loudly. Relentlessly.

It’s On — Whether We Want to Admit It or Not

It’s On — Whether We Want to Admit It or Not

The Socialist bastards are making an aggressive, global push to re-structure the world into some kind of one-world tyranny from which it will be impossible for the people to extricate themselves.


If you thought it was difficult to bring about meaningful change in a country the size of the United States, imagine what it’ll be like when you try to do it for the whole world… and the response back is only: “Can’t change it; One World treaty obligations.”

Continue reading It’s On — Whether We Want to Admit It or Not

The Great American Stupid

The Great American Stupid

Still, no one states the obvious conclusion that everyone should draw from this: The Left recognizes — loudly, publicly and ostentatiously — that they can’t win a real debate on any important issue. So they simply dispatch whatever goons they’ve got hanging around to prevent the debate entirely.


Surely everyone’s also noticed that all goons are leftists, yes?


There are points — legitimate points — to make that run counter to Conservative ideas. Conservative thinking, though, is apparently so far beyond the ken of your average Democrat politician, and many of their voters, that they don’t bother even to try to engage with them.


Continue reading The Great American Stupid

Needed: A Socialism/Leftism “Vaccine!”

Needed: A Socialism/Leftism “Vaccine!”

Far more than a COVID vaccine, America desperately needs a “vaccine” against Leftism and Socialism (basically the same thing). Because they’re FAR deadlier than COVID!


The depredations of Socialism are KNOWN! Just not NEARLY as well-known as those of Hitler and his thugs. So, the atrocities of the Left, though far more numerous, and over a far longer time, haven’t made their way into the deep recesses of all Americans’ psyches as have those of the Nazis.


Continue reading Needed: A Socialism/Leftism “Vaccine!”

Dark Horse… A Good Start?

Dark Horse… A Good Start?

Conservative thinking is challenged, derided, sneered at, condemned… from the moment it appears. When WE do our thinking and our formulations of potential solutions, WE have to PRE-consider the inevitable tsunami of accusations of Racism! Sexism! This-o-phobia! That-o-phobia! You hate children! You hate women! Etc., etc., etc…


When the Left proposes something, they think that the proposal is perfect and complete from the moment of its birth! It requires no further adjustments or tweaking or re-thinking… because all the loud voices in the media and academia and Hollywood and pop culture tell them so.


Bottom line: OUR thinking is stronger, more flexible, more commonsensical, more logical… more tested. If we COMPETE in the war of ideas, we will WIN the war of ideas.


Continue reading Dark Horse… A Good Start?

Platform Or Publisher?

Platform Or Publisher?

• Regardless of whether the social media outlets are platforms or publishers, they have vast power.


Censorship is how the Left does it. They deprive the right of the ability to communicate with the American people.


• The ones who censor dissenting opinions are admitting both:

     — their insecurity in the strength of their own beliefs, and

     — that they themselves suspect that their beliefs will not survive in a fair fight. 


Continue reading Platform Or Publisher?

The Popularity of Today’s American Left Depends Entirely on Lies.

The Popularity of Today’s American Left Depends Entirely on Lies.

for example: No  demographic group in the history of the world enjoys more benevolent feeling, more sincere, earnest good will than black Americans. Yet, the American Left insists that every white person in the country wastes vast quantities of his or her personal time in trying to determine how to make and keep black Americans miserable.


The popularity of today’s American Left depends entirely on this and other lies.


Continue reading The Popularity of Today’s American Left Depends Entirely on Lies.

What Would A GOOD Political Left-Wing Look Like? (Update…)

What Would A GOOD Political Left-Wing Look Like? (Update…)

“If you’re going to pursue things of value in a social environment, you’re going to produce a hierarchy. It’s unavoidable, because some people are better at whatever it is that you value, and so when that lays itself out socially it will produce a hierarchy.


The hierarchy has a necessity, if you’re going to pursue the things of value. But it has a risk. The risk is that it will ossify and become corrupt. That’s risk number one. And risk number two is that when you produce the hierarchy, you’re going to dispossess a number of people, because there’ll be lots of people in the hierarchy who aren’t good at it, and they’ll be dispossessed. So you need a political voice for them. That’s the Left.”


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What Would A <b><i>GOOD</i></b> Political Left-Wing Look Like?

What Would A GOOD Political Left-Wing Look Like?

For a very long time, we’ve been insisting in these pages that we on the political Right need a responsible, mature, rational Left to counter us.


We’ve also pointed out that for at least three generations, the Left has proven unwilling, or unable, to fill that vital role in American politics, instead greeting all Conservative thinking with, you guessed it: “Racist!” “Sexist!” “Homophobe!” “Transphobe!” “Thisophobe!” “Thatophobe!” “Theotherthingophobe!” and the rest.


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Us and Our Disclaimers

Us and Our Disclaimers

As anyone who’s paid attention even slightly knows, we on the Right speak in disclaimers: “<disclaimer>Look, what happened to George Floyd was horrible, and really wrong, and a bunch of elaboration on all that, and more great and virtuous things about me, and what I believe, and I’m such a good guy/gal, and no one has condemned this more than I have —  in fact, look at all I’ve done to make things better! — and no one knows better than I do what we all have to do to change things, and we all know that things have to change, and I take a back seat to no one in my contempt for… until I believed I’ve been immunized against future abuse for stating my opinion.</disclaimer> Now, here’s what I really want to say…”


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Proving Socialism is Bad: <b><i>Geographically</i></b>

Proving Socialism is Bad: Geographically

The world can be seen as divided into two parts: In one part the people live well, freely and with great opportunity to advance their circumstances


In the other part of the world, the people live in squalor, poverty, disease and despair. Worse, they have no possibility to improve their lives.


Where the people live well is entirely Capitalist; where the people live horribly is entirely Socialist.


Is there any wonder there are no mass movements to any overtly Socialist country? Is it any surprise that all migrations are from Socialist countries to Capitalist countries?


Of course it’s no surprise. Socialism is bad… really bad.


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It’s Not A Conspiracy Theory… It’s Not Paranoia

Conservatives are telling everyone, and themselves, that the Left is just okay with losing the Presidency, what they don’t want is to lose significantly in the down-ballot races. This is why they’ve maneuvered to get Bernie Sanders out of the race. They hypothesize further that with Sanders in the race, the Democrats were convinced they’d lose heavily everywhere across the country.


This is almost all incorrect.


It’s hard to put into words the catastrophe the Democrats were envisioning — before the coronavirus, that is.


Democrats were envisioning the very real possibility that Trump wins re-election and that the doddering Ginsburg and Breyer would leave their posts on the Supreme Court, unable to make it through four more long years of Trump. Both Associate Justices are ancient, but both are perfectly predictably left-wing in all the positions they take on the Court. That means that “Conservatives” (really: Constitutionalists) hold an extremely tenuous 5-4 margin on the court today (Roberts-Alito-Thomas-Kavanaugh-Gorsuch vs. Sotomayor-Kagen-Breyer-Ginsburg).


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Sanders Wins Nevada

Don’t forget, this is the same party that nominated the addled, half-witted Bolshevik sympathizer, Henry Wallace to run for the Vice-Presidency under… Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Roosevelt and Wallace won the election of 1940, and Wallace was a heartbeat away from the Presidency itself. Wallace was a Soviet spy


Roosevelt’s closest adviser for a very long time was his Commerce Secretary, Harry Hopkins. Hopkins was a Soviet spy.


Why should anyone be surprised that the Democrat Party would embrace a batsh*t crazy half-witted, communist sympathizer like Bernie Sanders?


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