Oh, Well… We Might As Well Jump In Too…

As soon as shots were fired in Florida at that school, the Left had to jump in, as they always do, politicize it, shame others for shaming them for politicizing it, and toss out their usual half-witteries about “gun control.”

Furthermore, we find out that the FBI had numerous tip-offs about young Nikolas Cruz’s  murderous intent, but… did nothing to act upon them.

Let’s bring up an extremely disturbing possibility: Is it possible that they did nothing because the young man’s last name is “Cruz?”

“Cruz” is a well-known Hispanic name. The person attached to it is, a “Person of Color.” In Washington, D.C., as in the rest of America, it can be a very career-limiting move to hassle “People of Color,” even if they’re would-be homicidal maniacs.

Do you doubt this?

Many remember years ago when the Milwaukee police were reluctant to intervene as the monster Jeffrey Dahmer pursued a young, naked Laotian boy down the street. The boy had tried to escape the vicious killer, and was running and calling for help. After Dahmer caught the young man, killed him, and ate him, it came to light that the police had  been reluctant to intervene because they feared being seen as “anti-gay.”

If you were an FBI agent, and you saw an alert come over the transom with the name “Nikolas Cruz” on it, and you know how the climate is out there, would you, rush to do something about it? Knowing that the Race Grievance Industry could, in a heartbeat, mobilize any number of goons to call you a racist, end your career, and disgrace you forever if word were to get out?

The FBI, along with just about every other federal agency, was completely, hopelessly politicized at its highest echelons under the Obama Administration. It’s not unreasonable to figure that such corruption had spread extensively throughout the organization.

Think there’s not a racial angle to any of this? Of course there is! The Race Grievance Industry (RGI) is in full bray trying to make this be not a “person of color(1)” who shot up a bunch of white kids. And, really, that’s okay! It shouldn’t be about a Hispanic kid shooting up a bunch of white kids, but any time the races are reversed, what happens?

Here’s a link to a disturbing piece from RealClearPolitics. In this piece one of young Cruz’s teachers, a certain Alicia Blonde says this:

“I remember him being a very quiet student,” the teacher told MSNBC’s Ali Velshi. “He has a Hispanic background. I remember that he didn’t really like to speak Spanish too much. I think there was some pride issue there. He didn’t feel comfortable in his own skin, in his own culture.”

Blonde also talked about what kind of student he was and how she tried to “break him a little bit.”

“He was very quiet,” she said Thursday. “He sometimes turned in assignments, sometimes not. I tried to, you know, break him a little bit and try to get into him a little bit and ask him questions.”

Two remarks: How on earth does a teacher know that a kid didn’t “really like to speak Spanish too much?” That there was “some pride issue there?” That he didn’t “feel comfortable in his own skin, in his own culture?” Sounds as if this teacher spent a lot of her time being a busybody obsessed with race.

In that same passage, we learn that this teacher — who sounds like a real nitwit — tried to “break him a little bit and try to get into him a little bit and ask him questions.


There’s a good idea! Let’s “break” a kid who, it turns out, was a homicidal maniac!

Is this what teachers do when we’re not paying attention? Mess around in kids’ heads, and “break” them?

Notwithstanding the fact that this kid was a serious head case to begin with, how do we know that the teachers in this school — with what seems like a bunch of idiotic, race-obsessed crap — didn’t push this kid, already close to the edge, right the heck over it?

If some half-wit teacher came at me and started to try to “break” me, and “get into me a little bit,” I’d say, something on the order of, “Get the $#%@# away from me, you scary, meddling, crazy nut-job, and go mind your own business! And leave all the other kids alone too!”


One more quick remark: Someone, thinking he was ever so deep, tweeted something to the effect of, “Why should the NRA have millions of times more influence than this girl?

This girl” was a survivor of the recent school shooting in Florida.

Well, the answer to that is simple: It’s likely that this girl has no idea whatsoever what she’s talking about. Wouldn’t be the first time. She’s a young schoolgirl, for crying out loud! She’s a child.

It’s also entirely likely that the girl will propose policy prescriptions, that we’ll all listen to because we should, but that will make things worse. They’ll be poorly thought-through, idealistic, pie-in-the-sky, why-can’t-we-all-get-along, inanities — because that’s what all young schoolgirls say, until they grow up, learn some things, and become thinking adults — that the media will treat as surpassing wisdom.

There’s a reason why we don’t try to pretend — as the Democrats do — that all victims of crimes — especially young school girls! — are themselves automatically authorities on that crime. The reason: Because they’re not.

If we spend just two minutes hauling some survivor of a mass shooting before Congress so she can “tell her story,” it might make everyone feel better, but it’s still two minutes completely wasted, as far as actually solving any problems is concerned.

— xPraetorius


(1) The RGI doesn’t believe in people. Everyone is a person of some category or other. Without which category, he’s useless, either as a scapegoat or as a victim.


3 thoughts on “Oh, Well… We Might As Well Jump In Too…

  1. You know I hadn’t even thought about the race angle as to why no one intervened in Cruz’s case despite the screaming red flags he kept throwing down. It’s definitely a possibility.

    As for the whole gun control movement, sighhhh. The Left is SO predictable in times like this, always shouting for us to just DO SOMETHING and not seeming to care at all that it actually be effective at preventing another mass shooting. I wrote a post on this recently and put it on FB, which caused a lot of head exploding among my liberal friends. It was rather entertaining!

    A quick note on those kids being interviewed and now scheduling a mass walkout. Someone is manipulating them as their answers are too programmed and too spot on with the Left’s gun control talking points. The quesiton is who? It’s a bit scary actually watching them speak, I think we are due for a lot more trouble.

    1. I agree completely, Tricia! Especially as regards the programmed kids. It’s amazing how just a couple of days after an atrocity like this, they have gangs of kids all mobilized, ready to march to Tallahassee and shout out their scripted chants. Absent these horrific shootings, these kids are not sitting around wringing their hands going, “If only we had gun control!”

      It’s all scripted, all arranged, in pre-packaged, little protest squads, ready to parrot whatever script is on the docket for that day.

      I understand the impetus to run to “gun control.” It’s the Stage 1 thing. You know, you have your first thought about something, and it seems pretty good, but then you think about it for a bit and you realize how superficial and simplistic, and… wrong it is.

      So, you go back to the drawing board, and you come up with your Stage 2 thought, which is more complete, more nuanced, a lot better, and… also wrong. So you go back to get to Stage 3, and you toss out Stage 1 entirely, you keep some of Stage 2, and you add in a bunch of Stage 3. And you move on to Stage 4.

      “Gun control” is pure Stage 1. Which is pure Left. They sit there for all issues. And, since their thinking is superficial and easy to debunk, they’re really defensive about it, and do their level best to squelch disagreement.

      And they do things that convey an impression that their thinking pervades the country. It’s amazing how much this moment resembles the Bolshevik moment in the former Soviet Union! The Bolsheviks were a tiny minority of the left-wing movement, but they called themselves “Bolsheviks” which means “majority.” Even then, the Left understood how important deceiving the people is! Our American Left has not forgotten that lesson. It’s also amazing, and deeply frightening, how much the old, bloodthirsty international Left resembles today’s American Left.


      — x

      1. I didn’t know Bolshevik means majority but wow that makes sense, doesn’t it? The Left has always known how to brainwash and use mass media for better than the Right who most of the time seem ti have no clue what’s going on. It’s up to us bloggers in our own small way to keep educating people. 🙂

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