Any Wonder We’re in Trouble…?

Click here for an earful (warning: inappropriate language). Scroll down about two screens for the video, or just read the script.

These people taught a generation of youngsters. Their children will teach their children and so on…

We have, rightly, a certain reverence for older folks, their experience, the wisdom they’ve gathered over the years, the deeper perspectives they may have.

However, there is another truth: if the older person spent her youth and middle-age years being a potty-mouthed moron, then she likely will be a potty-mouthed moron as an older person. And it won’t be any prettier in old age, as these crones proudly demonstrate.

Of course, she could end up making a ridiculous spectacle of herself in some toweringly stupid video for Michael Moore. In vain will you laud the “feistiness” of the imbeciles in this video. There’s no feistiness here; only wall-to-wall pathetic.

I watched it to the end, but it was kind of like the morbid fascination we have for a car-wreck. We watch it, but we dislike ourselves for having watched it.

Particularly awful: the old crow who was so proud of having cast her first vote in 1940 for FDR, and never missed an election since. Are you guessing with me that this poor fool never even thought of pulling a Republican lever in her life? Nope. This one never — I guarantee it — allowed a challenge to her pre-conceived notions to enter her thick noggin.

Am I part of a disappearing crowd who expect a little more from women? More grace, more elegance, more sophistication? Or are women mostly like these aged harridans now?

And the World War II vet? Ouch! He fought in World War II (or says he did) and then allows himself to be used like that? Sad. Really sad.

Yes, yes, I’m aware that multi-gazillionaire Moore probably could have bought off these poor geriatric dunderheads with a tiny portion of his daily walkin’ around money, but at the end of this miserably sad attempt at cleverness, one is left only to shake one’s head and think, “Grow up!”

These crass old fools demonstrate how really poorly jackassery ages.

Michael Moore comes off really poorly in this thing too. Really poorly.

— xPraetorius

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