Wish I’D Said This: Blame the Racism-of-Liberals for Ferguson, Missouri – Michael Schaus – Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary – Page 1

Blame the Racism-of-Liberals for Ferguson, Missouri – Michael Schaus – Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary – Page 1.

Oh, that’s right: I did say it. Lots of times in these pages. This guy, Michael Schaus, the writer of the above-linked essay, says it quite well too.

Here are some particularly apt passages:

  • If liberals truly cared about the plight of today’s black community, they wouldn’t be “standing in solidarity” with a bunch of outraged looters in Ferguson, Missouri… They would be denouncing the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, and segregation. They would be burning the homes of gang members. They would be fighting for the single black mother who is facing up to three years in prison for deciding to defend her life with a firearm. In short… They would be rampaging against the morally bankrupt hustlers of victimhood and dependency. Or, to put it another way, they would be voting Republican.

Yep. We’ve said that, ummmm… several (dozens of) times.

A bit more from Schaus’ piece, perhaps?

  • Yet, there is a left-wing groundswell of support for the lawlessness that has followed a questionable police shooting just outside of St Louis. The truth is, this story isn’t really about racism, police brutality, or even tragedy… This story is about the failure of Liberalism. It is an indictment of the liberal culture of victimhood, and oppression. The riots, the violence, and the anti-police actions of the Black Panthers, “Anonymous”, and average thugs in Ferguson is the result of being told for years that victimhood is a permanent state of being; rather than a temporary state of mind. It is a tactic that the left has imposed on minority groups for half a century. To the American left, African Americans are in a perpetual position of subjugation. After all, heroes are only found when they are perceived to be needed, right? … Without a class of victims to champion, Sharpton/ Holder & Company would be exposed as the quixotic hustlers they truly are. These hollow heroes of the modern “Civil Rights” movement are, essentially, portraying themselves as the emancipators from a truly fictitious reality.

We’ve said that a few times too. Here’s some more:

  • After more than a century of civil liberty battles and triumphs, African Americans have flocked to the Party that opposed every measurable Civil Rights initiative since the Emancipation Proclamation. It should stun historians that the party of the Ku Klux Klan and segregation now has an undeniable stranglehold on black America. Today’s Party of Barack Obama and Eric Holder, willfully ignore FDR’s history of opposing anti-lynching laws. They ignore John F Kennedy’s vote, as a Senator, against the 1950’s era Civil Rights laws. They even ignore the egregious violence and lawlessness that plague some of America’s most Democrat cities. (Such as Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC and Los Angeles.)

Wow! We’ve definitely said all that before! We even made it a point to suggest that the Republicans hang bloody hellholes like Detroit, Chicago and others — cities run by Democrats for decades — around the necks of Democrats candidates at all levels like the albatross that they ought to be. We said it, rather forcefully too, here.

So, I guess I did say all that, after all!  However, Schaus’ piece is well worth the read, because it’s good to know that there are ever increasing numbers of people who realize that the “solutions” proposed by the Democrat Party — the party of decay, decline, deterioration and death — are no solutions at all, but rather recipes for ever greater suffering.

— xPraetorius





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