What Would Happen…

… if it were more difficult for countries  to export their problems as countries like Mexico, the countries of Northern Africa, Turkey, and more do. These countries have large swathes of desperate poverty, disease, unrest — restive populations.

Mexico is blessed to have the U.S. as her neighbor to the north, so can simply send her poor here to become Obama food stamp recipients. However, the other countries mentioned send their problems to France, England, Italy, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Scandinavian countries.

In France young North African muslims have turned some suburbs of Paris into no-man’s land. Well, it turns out, the French are irritated by that — and by the tailspin in which Socialist President Francois Hollande has put the French economy.

One French political party, Marine Le Pen’s Front National (The National Front), has a political platform that focuses on one major issue: they are anti-immigration. In the recent French elections, Le Front National increased its vote totals by nearly 800%. 

Marine Le Pen
Marine Le Pen

What does that mean in real terms? Well, they went from less than 1% to greater than 7%. If that is a permanent, or at least semi-permanent constituency, that would make them potential king makers in every national or local election in the near or not-so near future.

It would mean that they would have to come up with positions on other issues as well.

France is in serious trouble. They have the European disease: a population in steep demographic decline. Young French people aren’t having kids, and the French are living longer. They are becoming a retirement community. However, they spent all their retirement money on lavish social programs that have allowed people to spend long, long periods unemployed, take long vacations, have “free” medical care, retire early and comfortably and a lot more.

But now the money is gone, and the French are pouring people into retirement age far faster than they are producing workers to pay for the oldsters’ comfortable retirements.

It’s not that this has overly surprised the French government, though. They thought they could solve the problem by importing, as mentioned above, North Africans — Moroccans, Tunisians, and especially Algerians. And, as mentioned above, those North African countries are perfectly happy to send their restless people to France. Along with their problems, pathologies, their Islam and other mental and emotional disorders.

Now, the French electorate have said they disapprove.

But, is it too late?

The French are not producing new French, and the imported immigrants — especially the muslims… you know, the ones turning Parisian suburbs into no-man’s lands? — are re-producing like rabbits.

If misery loves company, then the French have company. What I’ve described above is true for all the countries into which these immigrants have been pouring for years. These countries are finally recognizing a simple, obvious, basic truth: You can’t import millions of immigrants with cultural outlooks wildly different from your own, and keep your own culture intact. This is always true, and always will be true.

In a recent post, we said that if you have a bright idea to “fix things,” then someone somewhere in the world has likely already tried it, and you just might learn something from their experience.

Well, Europe is finding out what it means to import millions of people who are radically different from the natives, into a country, and they’re starting to wake up to the fact that their country is not really completely their own anymore.

Really, is this anything new? How did the peoples in charge of  what is now the United States do when a few dozen Europeans arrived on their shores in the 1600’s?

In that case, the Europeans brought civilization. You can say what you will about European conquest and the various sins of which they’re guilty throughout history, but they are also the most benevolent, enlightened, generous, creative, innovative, dynamic culture in the history of mankind. By far. No other culture has had the philosophical/religious/cultural/intellectual infrastructure necessary to eradicate slavery, diseases, tyrannies, injustice, inequality, social and financial immobility and other societal ills.

In the case of other foreign cultures invading, or being imported into, European cultures, one likely should be less optimistic as to the possibilities for such positive outcomes.

Let’s see what happens now in France. Wonder if they’ll learn any lessons here in the U.S. It’s a sure bet that the Democrat Party won’t. Will the Republicans?

Let’s hope so. Because, otherwise — if someone doesn’t learn the lessons, and implement real solutions — our country, the greatest, most generous, freest, finest, most powerful, magnetic country that has ever been… won’t survive.

— xPraetorius

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